Contribution of volunteer time and talent are essential to the success of the Club. We are a not-for-profit organization that relies heavily on the involvement of every member’s family. Each family is required to earn volunteer points over the competitive season (September 1 to June 30). The points system is designed to reinforce the importance of volunteer activities and to ensure fairness in sharing responsibilities among members. All family members can earn volunteer points by undertaking volunteer jobs within the Club.

Points can be earned by assisting with any of the events that the Club runs through the year, such as the winter or spring water shows, photo day, the end-of-year banquet or by chaperoning. There are also many important coordinator roles, such as travel coordinator, uniform coordinator, photo day coordinator, website manager, newsletter editor. Members may earn volunteer points by working as part of a committee, taking on a meet manager role, volunteering on the OLYM or OAS Board or by judging.  These various roles have all been assigned a set number of points. We encourage you to bring your skill set to the club, and would appreciate all areas of expertise!

Program Volunteer Points
Pre-Competitive  25 points
Evening Competitive  150 points
High Performance 300 points


Clubs run all Artistic Swimming competitions: Without active participation by clubs and club members, there would be no competition opportunities for athletes. OLYM hosts or participates in hosting competitions every year, and athletes and their families are required to assist. This is an excellent way of fundraising, while allowing us to be ambassadors of the sport and our home club. Hosting meets also provides an opportunity for athletes and their families to learn more about the sport and to get to know other OLYM parents.

Each family will be required to provide one person to cover as many shifts as are needed to run a competition successfully. Shifts will generally be of equal length, typically 3 to 5 hours each, but this is not always the case as shifts are tied to events during the competition (e.g., a figures event as compared to a team, solo or duet event). The Board member responsible for Volunteer Engagement will set the minimum number of shifts required per family.

All family members can volunteer, as can friends and relatives. Volunteer jobs generally require that the volunteer be an adult or teenager. Younger volunteers may be acceptable where they are OLYM daytime and evening competitive athletes. The minimum age for competitive athletes is ten (10) years of age.

The Board member responsible for Volunteer Engagement will contact members with a draft schedule as soon as one is available. This schedule is almost guaranteed to change several times in the days before the competition. It is also important to recognize that your shift is tied to an event, and events may run behind, or up to one half hour ahead. Flexibility on timing is required from all volunteers.