Injury Prevention Program

OSSC’s Goal: Swimming Injury Free

In the fall of 2010, OSSC partnered up with High Point Wellness Centre (HPWC). Dr. Emily Danson and Dr. Bryon Weinberg, along with the multidisciplinary team at HPWC support the athletes to keep them working towards their goals. The goal is to keep the athletes in the pool, however, if an injury does occur, they provide the athletes with treatment that is evidence based, specific to the injury and specific to the sporting demands. HPWC is a multidisciplinary clinic, with a strong emphasis on sport injuries. The clinic provides services such as chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, diet and nutrition, naturopath, and physiotherapy.

Dr. Danson and Dr. Weinberg provide continual support and communication with the coaches when treating an athlete. Communication is important in order for the best care of the athletes. To bridge the gap between treatment and training, they discuss with the coaches the diagnosis, treatment plan, and recommendations. Both practitioners continue to follow the teams at practice to familiarize themselves better with the demands of the sport.

We have enjoyed seeing the athletes and club grow and we love being part of the OSSC family!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact: Dr. Emily Danson ( or Dr. Bryon Weinberg (