Learn about our HP Program
Please join us for our annual High Performance (HP) Info Night on Wednesday, Dec 4 from 7-8pm via Zoom. Families who are interested in learning about our unique HP program are encouraged to join.
This session is to provide an overview of our unique HP program and to answer any questions you may have. The meeting will be hosted by Amy Bush (Head Coach) and Stephanie Breitigam (HP Lead Coach). The HP Program Directors from both Hollycrest Middle School and Silverthorn Collegiate will be in attendance to answer any school related questions. There will also be current HP parents on the call to speak about their experience with the program. Our goal is to highlight the HP program, and answer all questions pertaining to training and school.
This session will be recorded.
Please contact Head Coach, Amy Bush at headcoach@olympiumartswim.ca if you have any questions, if you would like a copy of the current HP handbook or if you would like the ZOOM link.