

Junior Program

This program is intended for experienced, competitive synchronized swimmers in the 16-18 age group who are interested in training and competing on a National basis.

The OSSC National program is unique among synchronized swimming programs in Ontario in offering training complemented by a modified, condensed school program through Silverthorn High School High Performer Programs. OSSC will also work with individual athletes to devise a training plan if they wish to continue to attend their home school.

This approach ensures maximum training time while giving swimmers and their families a more balanced family life. OSSC will also work with individual athletes to devise a training plan if they wish to continue to attend their home school.

Swimmers interested in competing at the Junior (16-18) age group are invited to contact Head Coach Amy Caskey at headcoach@olympiumsynchro.com for inquiries.


Regular training commences Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at the Etobicoke Olympium.


Program Training Schedule Weekends
Junior FINA Monday to Friday. Within 6am to 11am

25 to 28 hours per week

Final schedule to be provided by coach

Weekend training according to coach’s training plan. Where possible, training will take place on Sundays to accommodate any swimmers taking school courses on Saturdays