Olympium Synchro Welcomes World Champion Bill May
World champion and pioneering male synchronized swimmer Bill May will train withOlympium Synchronized Swimming Club (OSSC) athletes at the Etobicoke Olympium, December 1st to 4thas well as encourage others to follow in his footsteps with a “Boys Try Synchro” event.
“We are very fortunate to have Bill visit our club, as he is a sought-after coach and demonstrator. Our athletes and coaches are very excited for this amazing opportunity to train with him,” comments OSSC Head Coach, Julie Thaden, “And who better to attract boys to synchronized swimming than someone who has been a trailblazer for males in the sport.”
May won a series of US national and international competitions in the 1990s culminating in winning the Grand Slam at the 2000 Nationals before retiring shortly after. May recently came out of retirement when three-time US Olympic Coach and friend Chris Carver told him that FINA had decided to add two co-ed events at world championships – the mixed technical and free duets. So this past summer he swam both events with partners Christina Jones and Kristina Lum, at the World Aquatic Championships in Kazan, Russia. May and Jones were awarded gold in the technical mixed duet. The introduction of the mixed duet on the international stage has rekindled interest in the sport among males and there is speculation that we may yet see male synchronized swimmers competing at the Olympics.
May Day Event Details
Bill May will practice his solo routine for the upcoming FINA World Trophy event in China at the Etobicoke Olympium on the following dates and times. There’s also an opportunity for Synchro Ontario members to join Bill for a workshop in the water.
Wednesday, December 2nd
1:30pm to 1:50pm – Bill May solo practice
1:50pm to 3:00pm – In-water workshop with feedback from Bill
3:00pm to 3:15 pm – Meet and Greet with Bill May
6:00pm to 7:30pm – “Boys In Synch” with Bill May
Olympium Synchronized Swimming Club offers recreational and competitive team lessons to male & female swimmers from 5 years old up to Masters (20 years+) at the Etobicoke Olympium Pool, Etobicoke (Rathburn & Renforth). OSSC swimmers and coaches have enjoyed recognition on both national and international stages including the Canadian national team, Worlds, PanAm and the Olympics. OSSC serves the Etobicoke and Toronto areas and beyond including central and western Ontario. Currently there are 135 swimmers who benefit from the expertise of 20 coaches dedicated to supporting the personal development of its athletes. Teamwork, goal setting, discipline and commitment are learned at all levels of swimming, with the opportunity for athletes to develop leadership skills as “coaches in training.” Visit www.olympiumsynchro.com for program details.