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January HP Athlete of the Month is Chris!

Our HP Athlete of the Month for January is Chris.

Chris is a member of our Junior team. Chris demonstrates the values of respect, kindness, and teamwork daily. He is coachable and consistent with his training. The HP coaches say that Chris exemplifies what it means to be a good alternate – he jumped in without hesitation at the last minute to be a “flyer” and swim a new spot in pattern at our most recent meet.

Congratulations, Chris! Thank you for your positive contribution to our team and club.

January Competitive Athlete of the Month is Juliet!

Our Competitive Athlete of the Month for January is Juliet.

Juliet is a member of our 10U Competitive team. Coaches Cara and Nicole say that Juliet brings such a positive and calming energy to practice. Juliet is a fantastic listener and they always see her focusing on improving her skills. She is a sweet and kind teammate.

Way to go, Juliet!

January Pre-Competitive Athlete of the Month is Emily C!

Our Pre-Competitive Athlete of the Month for January is Emily C.

Emily is a member of our 12U Blue team. Emily has impressed her coaches this month with her commitment to giving 120% at all practices. She is a great leader for the younger swimmers on her team, and is always willing to lend a helping hand to her teammates. Emily always does her best to bring a positive attitude to practice and to spread it to the other swimmers.

Way to go, Emily!

December HP Athlete of the Month is Alice!

Our HP Athlete of the Month for December is Alice.

Alice is a member of our 12U HP team. Not only is she a great teammate, Alice is also incredibly hard-working and very dedicated to her craft. Alice is the resident count expert for both team and combo, and is always willing to help her teammates learn new choreo. Coach Rachel is very impressed with all of her progress so far this season, and says to keep up the great work!

December Competitive Athlete of the Month is Lauren!

Our Competitive Athlete of the Month for December is Lauren.

Lauren is a member of our Junior Competitive team. Coach Cherry says that Lauren has truly embraced moving up to Junior this year, despite how challenging moving up an age group can be. She comes to practice committed to the choreography and works hard at learning new elements and skills. Lauren is a positive athlete who is dedicated to being the best she can be which brought her strong results at the Lisa A competition in December.

Congrats Lauren on a great start to the year!

December Pre-Competitive Athlete of the Month is Veronica!

Our Pre-Competitive Athlete of the Month for December is Veronica.

Veronica is a member of our 12U Pre-Competitive Green team. Veronica always arrives ready to work hard in all aspects of practice: flexibility, workouts, figure skills and routine. Her figures have improved immensely, and her confidence shows. Coach Jody says Veronica is always willing to help other teammates. Keep up the great work!

November HP Athlete of the Month is Maddy!

Maddy is a member of our Junior HP team. Maddy is recognized by her coaches and also her teammates. It’s clear that she is respected among her team for her work ethic, effort, and leading by example. Maddy is extremely coachable and reliable. Her coaches are proud of Maddy for her consistent drive to improve both her mental game along with her in-water skills.

Way to go, Maddy!

November Competitive Athlete of the Month is Reese!

Reese is a member of our Youth program. Reese consistently impresses the Youth coaches. During figure practice, she is always taking corrections and quickly applying them, clarifying to make sure she understands them. The coaches say she steps up regularly to help others with their figures, making sure none of her team mates are left behind.

Reese’s attitude at practice is amazing, and she is quick to make sure everyone feels welcomed, especially athletes that are new to our club and the sport.

The Youth coaching staff is very proud of Reese and can’t wait to see her compete this weekend at the Lisa Alexander figure meet.

November Pre-Competitive Athlete of the Month is Hannah S!

Hannah is a member of our 10U Yellow team. Hannah is very attentive and listens to feedback, works hard to improve, and sets a great example for her teammates through her commitment and effort.

Way to go Hannah!

October HP Athlete of the Month is Kya!

Kya is a member of our Youth HP team. Kya has shown great consistency in her training the past month, and she is a very reliable athlete. Her teammates and coaches can always count on her.

Kya represented our club well during the OAS HP Academy program this month. In her first year of Youth, she is showing great work ethic and technical improvement overall.

Way to go Kya!