Regan Swimmer of the Month Morning
Morning –Regan Smith
Regan started synchro at 10 years old on the Novice team at Olympium. She loved the music and choreography and the challenge of learning new figures.
The next year Regan joined the 11-12 Provincial team and was hooked aftermaking a lot of great friends on her team. Regan moved to the National highperformance morning program and started at Hollycrest JM school in grade 7. Regan is looking forward to high school next year in the Silverthorn high performance program having been accepted in the enriched math and science streams.
Regan loves all sport and always participates with a positive attitude. On weekends in the winter (when not at synchro) Regan competes in downhill ski racing at the Georgian Peaks Club and enjoys being outside and active with family and friends. Regan has attended GBC summer camp for 6 years, plays tennis and golf, loves doing tricks on the trampoline and enjoys music, reading and anything creative.
Regan began volunteer coaching as part of OSSC’s CIT program in the 2015 season assisting Jenn Knobbs coaching the 10+U Provincial team. Regan is looking forward to getting her Bronze Cross this summer and continuing to develop her leadership skills as a synchro coach.
Coach Steph says:
Regan always arrives to practice with an excellent attitude. She is able to adapt her own style to provide the team with what they need, whether it be someone to calm their nerves, or someone to provide lightness and laughter to a stressful situation. She rises to whatever challenge is presented to her. We can always count on Regan to know the counts to the routine, and she is able to apply corrections in all areas very quickly. Regan demonstrates consistent effort, and has made huge improvements to both her mental and technical skills this season. Congratulations Regan!