Evening Athlete of the Month Rachel Dietrich

Rachel_DRachel began synchro at age 7 after completed all of her levels of swim lessons. She started in the rec program where she met Clare Morrell and they became great teammates.  She did two years of rec then moved to provincial for 10 & Under.  She has progressed up to 13-15 Provincial with this being her 7th year swimming with the club.
Rachel likes synchro as it is fun and she’s met great people.  Synchro has taught her the importance of learning to work with others to accomplish a common goal.  She loves working on routines and she is always eager to attend practices. Her only dislike is getting up early to gel her hair for competitions.
Synchro has made Rachel very disciplined when it comes to meeting deadlines.  With numerous practices throughout the week, Rachel has learned how to time manage school and her extra-curricular activities.  She has also learned how to deal with the stress of competition and being able to perform under pressure.  Her other interests include Robotics (her school has made it to the Provincial Championships), downhill skiing, soccer and being a member of multiple school sports teams.  
One of her team coaches, Lola Shnayder-Mazour, pointed out Rachel’s exemplary behaviour and positive attitude when it comes to working with the 13-15 provincial team. She says “I appreciate the effort she makes to achieve her goals.”