OSSC’s 11-12 FINA Team joins Canada’s Olympic Duet Team at Gala event
A very special invitation was extended to our 11-12 FINA team by Synchro Ontario to demonstrate their Beetlejuice routine (pictured above) at the upcoming Regional Training Centre (RTC) Gala Watershow, April 19th at the TPASC. All OSSC members are invited to come and support our swimmers as well as enjoy the show, which begins at 7pm. The event will include performances by the RTC-Ontario athletes heading to the Canadian Open in Calgary, selected development and grassroots teams from across the province, and special guest performers Jacqueline Simoneau & Karine Thomas – our Canadian Olympic-bound duet! Tickets are $15 at the door ($10 if you are wearing your club jacket) – everyone is invited to attend!