November Competitive Athlete of the Month is Lilianna!

Our Competitive Athlete of the Month for November is Lilianna!

Lilianna is a member of our 10U team.  Lilianna is hardworking, focused, and fun. Coaches Cara and Rachel say that Lilianna is a great example of an athlete who is disciplined in her individual training, while being a great team player and supportive teammate. She is always working to motivate her teammates, make them smile, and takes any chance she can get to keep practicing her skills. She is a joy to have on the team.

Way to go, Lilianna!

November Pre-Competitive Athlete of the Month is Lior!

Our Pre-Competitive Athlete of the Month for November is Lior.

Lior has a great attitude at practice.  She is happy and good natured when trying to master various skills.  Coach Jody says that Lior’s sculling and ballet leg have improved a lot since the season began.  She continues to learn the routine quickly, and is eager to help other team members with the counts.
Way to go, Lior!

October HP Athlete of the Month is Naomi!

Our HP Athlete of the Month for October is Naomi.

We are so glad to have Naomi join our Club and 13-15’s HP team!  All of the HP coaches have noticed Naomi’s desire to learn and improve while being a positive and engaged teammate. We enjoy watching Naomi’s daily progress in the pool and good laughs with her new friends 🙂

Keep it up, Naomi!

October Competitive Athlete of the Month is Abby!

Our Competitive Athlete of the Month for October is Abby.

Abby is a member of our Junior team.  Coaches Diana and Delaney are very proud of Abby this month as she has been putting a lot of effort into her land skills. Abby has been a very strong example for her team on land and in the water!  Abby is also a very big help when it comes to making new routine choreography.

Way to go, Abby!

October Pre-Competitive Athlete of the Month is Abby!

Our Pre-Competitive Athlete of the Month for October is Abby.

Abby is a member of our 12U Blue team.  Coach Juliette says Abby is always prepared to learn and try new skills at practice. Abby is a great teammate and leader to others when they need help in and out of the water. She always has a positive attitude and encourages her teammates to do the same.

Way to go, Abby!

September Competitive Athlete of the Month is Audrey!

Our Competitive Athlete of the Month for September is Audrey.

Audrey is a member of our 12U team.  The coaches are very impressed with how positive Audrey has been since starting the season. She asks questions to clarify tasks and has very good active listening skills.

Way to go, Audrey!


September HP Athlete of the Month is Georgia!

Our HP Athlete of the Month for September is Georgia.

We are lucky to have Georgia’s contagious energy on the deck every day! The HP coaches have noticed her going out of her way to make all athletes feel included this month. She shows great leadership and sportsmanship.
Thank you for sharing your positive attitude with us all, Georgia!

May HP Athlete of the Month is Lauren!

Our HP Athlete for the Month for May is Lauren.

The HP coaches are recognizing Lauren for her outstanding mental and leadership skills. Lauren showed her best abilities in every meet in May.  She placed 1st in 13-15 figures at Ontario Champs and 7th in Duet Finals at National Championships in Quebec City!
Lauren is a compassionate, funny and  amazing teammate.  She always gives her best to her 13-15 SURVIVORS team, which helped the team win 4th place at National Championships in Quebec City.
“Survivors” are going to miss her a lot, as she moves up to Junior next year.

May Competitive Athlete of the Month is Kaylie!

Our Competitive Athlete of the Month for May is Kaylie.

Kaylie is a member of our 12U Blue team.  Coach Delaney says Kaylie consistently worked hard at each practice leading up to Ontario Championships and let very little phase her. She remained positive and brought a calm and confident vibe to her teammates.
Way to go, Kaylie!

April Competitive Athlete of the Month is Scarlett!

Our Competitive Athlete of the Month for April is Scarlett.

Scarlett is a member of our 13-15/Junior Green team.  Coaches Cherry and Lise say they are very proud of Scarlett’s effort over the past month. It has led to huge improvements for her both in and out of the pool. Her hard work, along side her team, contributed to their placing third at the Hilton Meet.
Congratulations Scarlett.